Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I should start off by saying I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest. On one hand, I love it, for a bunch of reasons. I find hundreds and hundreds (literally) of great DIY tips, makeup and hair ideas, and amazing recipes. On the other hand...I can easily spend hours and hours pinning without realizing. It has become one of my go-to ways to procrastinate.  

Zucchini Brownies

At work we've been on a "healthy" kick and have been taking turns bringing in a healthy snack each day to share with our co-workers. I made these last week and they were actually a big hit. I will admit they had a bit of a funky smell to them but they were extremely moist and delicious as far as a zucchini, applesauce, banana brownie would go.  

Dodecahedron Pendant Light

I've had my eye on this dodecahedron light for a while now.  A DIY version has been posted by View Along the Way which I would love to try and make...although it seems like there's a lot of math and angels involved.

Subtle Ombre Hair
   via                                                                               via

So, I'm thinking of jumping on the ombre bandwagon. I realize that I'm about a year and a half late...and it may or may not be on its way out (or completely out) but I think I need a change. I think it's safe to say I'm afraid of commitment when it comes to my hair..but that's a whole post on its own. Lets just leave it at...I found these two really nice subtle ombre pins.  

Gold Dipped Feathers


I love these gold dipped feathers. I think they would look pretty in a clear vase. I have also seen them hung on a string like a garland. 

I'm linking up with the The Vintage Apple for Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday. 


  1. Those brownies sounds interesting... and good. I need to try them!

    1. They were pretty delicious considering how healthy they are. I will warn you though, they taste much better than they smell coming out of the oven!

  2. Love the gold dipped feathers! Great Pins :)
